Thursday, February 11, 2010

French fry with Thyme hot sauce


Select big size potato wash it gently, skinned it and then cut it into same size it should be long and square, salted it if preferred. Heat pan put lots of oil heat it and then add sliced and salted potato make it golden brown and take it out of flame. Chill it and again fry it like before.
Mostly French fries are use to serve with red chili and tomato sauce but Thyme hot sauce can work magically and it completely change the taste of French fries. Its very easy to prepare thyme hot sauce. Select a fresh bunch of thyme, wash it and take the leafy part only add green chili, fresh leaves and head of garlic, salt to taste and few drops of lemon, blend it finely.Take it out and serve with French fries. It is good to add thyme omelet to complete this dish.

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